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At Home With Marni Jameson

Syndicated Column

A home decorating fanatic by hobby, Marni Jameson is a writer and humorist by trade. Her weekly column, “At Home With Marni Jameson,” appears in more than 20 newspapers throughout the United States, reaching more than 5 million readers.

“At Home With Marni Jameson” is a helpful and hilarious column that’s as much about home life as it is about home design. The antidote to the unattainable perfection liberally featured in home design books and shelter magazines, this column taps what those publications ignore: relationships and realities. Far-ranging topics cover all things home including, how to buy an area rug, decorate a patio, pick sheets and towels, bring the perfect hostess gift, blend style with a new partner, declutter and downsize so you can live well now. The tone of the essays gives readers an “I’ve-been-there” point of view they relate to, combined with humor and hard-won advice.

Newspaper Specs:
Each column is between 750 and 900 words, and includes high-resolution, color art. The column is distributed by e-mail every Sunday for Friday release. Each column includes a first-person narrative, followed by tips, often from industry experts. Reasonable rates vary depending on newspaper circulation.

Add This Column to Your Paper:

Editors: For more information about adding “At Home With Marni Jameson” to your newspaper or magazine content, please contact Marni here.

Readers: If you would like to see this column in your paper, please contact your newspaper’s home, features, or real estate editors and refer them to this link.

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Add Marni to Your Publication:

To add Marni’s syndicated column to your publication, please contact Marni here.

Purchase Reprints & Story Rights:
To order article reprints or for permission to purchase reprint rights for one of Marni’s stories or columns, please

contact Marni here.

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