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Reader Comment Archive

Dan Beach

Your painting column (read in the Orlando Sentinel – as I do every week) was terrific. You always seems to condense broad topics into nuggets of wisdom. We’re on the cusp of “downsizing’ and look forward to your book. Happy Thanksgiving.

Contact - 2017/11/19 at 6:44 am


                Marni - In reply to Dan Beach.

Thanks, Dan!

2017/11/19 at 7:23 pm



I assumed you were on a well-deserved vacation. Now I realize what happened. The Post doesn’t seem to cancel any sports columns! Deaf ears. I think we all tried.

Contact - 2017/11/04 at 4:32 pm

Tom O’Brien

So, enjoyed the article on your Closing, but…. you failed to give credit to the person who actually made your life better- your Real Estate Agent who worked out the deal on your carpet issue. Yeh, the Title Company and Lawyer were nice, but the thing that really mattered was accomplished by your Agent!!

Contact - 2017/11/04 at 2:52 am


                Marni - In reply to Tom O'Brien.

Hi Tom, Not sure what paper you get, but in my version of the column, I gave the two agents the credit for saving the deal. Maybe the editor cut this key section, which was in the column I wrote: “The next hour was a flurry of frantic phone calls, side-bar conversations, pitched emotions, dug in heels, narrowed eyes and crossed arms. As I grew more resolute, I was grateful for two players: My agent and my husband.

“If you ever think about trying to buy or sell a house yourself, here’s reason No. 107 not to. Good agents save deals that you might blow up in an overwrought fit of frustration.

“In this case, both our agent and the selling agent were pros, who stayed cool and focused on finding a fair resolution.”

2017/11/05 at 7:21 pm

Pat Beckham

You’re selling the Happy Yellow House? Really? I haven’t read your column recently (damn the Denver Post), so I must have missed something. What’s up?


How to Handle a Home Inspection Hiccup - 2017/10/28 at 8:41 pm


                Marni - In reply to Pat Beckham.

Hi Pat, I am just as a disappointed as you are. The Denver Post is in serious financial trouble. But you can keep up with me in other papers online. And also on my website. Try San Jose Mercury News or the Oklahoman or the New Orleans Times-Picayune. They all do a very nice job of featuring my column each week online, and you can read turn by turn what’s happening with the Happy Yellow House and the new Happier Yellow House :-). Please stay in touch.

2017/10/29 at 5:36 am

UNA LEA kofford

What happened to the happy yellow house that I watched you decorate in our Deseret News Paper (Salt Lake, Utah). I thought you would live there almost forever after all you put into it. Why did you move? I’m disappointed.

Contact - 2017/10/14 at 3:21 pm


                Marni - In reply to UNA LEA kofford.

Hi Una Lea, I love our happy yellow house. But, and I will write about this in the future, what I didn’t factor in was that DC and I together have five grown children. Though technically we’re empty nesters, these kids are getting married, finding partners, and having children. The nerve! If I want to have a home for family gatherings, which I do, I simply need more room. I am a huge proponent of only buying as much house as you need, but I undershot it. Next month, we will move to the Happier Yellow House. (Yes, it’s also yellow.) Don’t be disappointed. Stay tuned.

2017/10/15 at 7:53 pm


My parents who live in Houston flooded again in Harvey. It was their 7th flood since ’92. I don’t know how they do it. I would have bailed out (pardon the pun) of that property long ago. I’m sitting in the San Francisco Bay Area with all the smoke from the tragic fires just north of here and feeling very grateful for all I have, too. Let’s hope that 2018 is a better year.

After the Storm - 2017/10/12 at 7:16 pm


                Marni - In reply to Karin.

Hi Karin, I’m sorry you are so near the fires and hope you continue to stay out of harm’s way. It has been a harrowing year for many of us. I agree that such times help us focus on what matters and reflect on how grateful we are to have what we do, but it is not a lesson I care to learn repeatedly. Take care, Marni

2017/10/13 at 10:54 am


UNA LEA kofford

Why did you sell your happy yellow house?

Contact - 2017/10/07 at 11:41 am


Dela Ampofo

Amazing tips indeed!! Moving to a new place is one of the most painful tasks I have ever faced. Two months ago I had to move to a new place and I can’t forget this. Worst thing ever.

The Upside of Moving: Lessons from the Gypsy Camp - 2017/09/23 at 1:59 pm


Dela Ampofo

Amazing tips indeed!!

The Upside of Moving: Lessons from the Gypsy Camp - 2017/09/23 at 1:58 pm


Dela Ampofo

Great Lessons indeed!!

The Upside of Moving: Lessons from the Gypsy Camp - 2017/09/23 at 1:57 pm


Dela Ampofo

Great Lessons indeed!! It’s a legitimate question. Over the past 10 years, I have…

The Upside of Moving: Lessons from the Gypsy Camp - 2017/09/23 at 1:57 pm


Linda Nix

Re recovery from — this time — Irma. Having gone thru Katrina, 3′ of water in an apt., and “lost everything,” I want to urge you to tell people that you lose everything, but then you can recover a surprising amount. It’s wet, molded, and ruined, so you can’t ruin it more: when you can, try washing in Lysol, then soap, then plain water. Some things revive, even shoes. Likewise all the “hard stuff” in the house: it cleans up. And when it seems hopeless, look for your dearest items on ebay; sometimes someone else has listed the same thing, or something so similar — I recovered a Farberware stainless domed skillet when someone sold just the controller unit on ebay. There’s hope. Really.

Contact - 2017/09/22 at 9:07 am

Kathy Drulard

I am missing your column here in Denver as well. I will contact the editors.

Home Column - 2017/09/16 at 5:37 am


Margaret Mary Sulentic Dowell


I love your column, I really do, and I feel like I know you, DC, and the Happy Yellow House. I excused you the first time you did this but now, again….

Marni, being a Gypsy or Roma is not a lifestyle, it is being a member of an ethnic group, one that has been persecuted and misaligned for centuries. At the very least, if you want to co-opt Gypsy, at least you could honor this ethnic group by capitalizing this term.

Being Gypsy is not what one choses to do, it is a proud heritage one is born into. A little respect, please.

Contact - 2017/09/12 at 3:23 pm


                Marni - In reply to Margaret Mary Sulentic Dowell.

NOTED! My apologies!

2017/09/22 at 9:20 am

Charlotte Lynott

I wondered where you went! Glad you’re still writing. I especially liked your articles regarding dealing with all the minutia of life. I don’t want to leave a lot of “stuff” for my kids. I will fire off a complaint to the Denver Post as I just received notice of another rate increase! Wishing you much happiness!

Home Column - 2017/09/02 at 8:51 am

Lynne Pettyjohn

Like others, I was so sad not to find your column, the only reason I kept my subscription, in the Denver Post. I have cried with you over having to sell your parents’ home, the relocation of your mom, her death and laughed when you and D.C. bought and furnished your new home. The joy I experienced on Sat. morning with your writing is gone. How can I find your writing now?

Thanks for all the joy you brought me.

Contact - 2017/08/26 at 4:44 pm


Susan High

Missing you. Saturday morning is not the same without you. Dang! Thank you for posting alternates. Happy summer!☺️❤️Su High

Home Column - 2017/08/19 at 12:05 pm


We,too,are so very saddened and angry at the idiotic decision by the Denver Post. We will be expressing our displeasure to the Post, not that their staff cares.

We have enjoyed your column for years and we think of you as a trusted friend.

Thank you for everything you do.

Best wishes always.

Home Column - 2017/08/19 at 11:38 am



I also miss your column, please let me know where I can find it

Contact - 2017/08/19 at 7:59 am


This reminds me of the scene in “When Harry Met Sally” where Jess and Marie are moving in together and have a disagreement over Jess’ wagon wheel coffee table!

When Blending Homes, Put the Relationship First - 2017/08/14 at 7:16 pm


                Marni - In reply to Karin.

I love that scene!

2017/08/15 at 3:19 am


Sigh … at first I assumed that your absence from the Denver Post was just a vacation. But after a few more weeks, I researched and found the sad news. Please add me to the list of people who would pay to subscribe to your column. (I do pay to subscribe to the Denver Post and the Wash. Post, but apparently that’s not enough anymore.)

Home Column - 2017/08/12 at 12:19 pm

Kathy Rodwell

I did the same thing with The Denver Post. I have taken a daily newspaper since I first got married, 55 years ago. I took the Rocky Mt News until they stopped publishing it and went to The Denver Post. Your weekly column was one of my favorites. Now that The Denver Post dropped your column I dropped them. So I’ll read everything on your web site from now on. Would you send me an email so I know where I can find your weekly column? Thanks, Best Wishes to you!!!

Contact - 2017/08/10 at 1:28 pm


                Marni - In reply to Kathy Rodwell.

Hi Kathy, Thanks so much for your support. I will be emailing you links to where you can find my column within in a couple of days. Thanks again, Marni

2017/08/10 at 4:23 pm


Just wanted to let you know I dropped my Denver Post subscription in protest for cutting your column. It was the only reason I still got the post. Like many others have said, you made my Saturday mornings better.

Contact - 2017/08/09 at 12:00 pm

Susan Story

Hi Marni,I am so upset that the Post dropped you! I had no idea! I thought you were just on a long vacation. I want you to know how  much your columns have meant to me. I loved the funny ones but also the serious  topics. I could always find helpful advice and looked forward to your column every week.  I promise I will contact the misguided Post editors. In the meantime, I will follow you online. Please don’t ever stop writing.

Home Column - 2017/08/05 at 9:48 am


                Marni - In reply to Susan Story.

Thank you, Susan. Even as the Denver Post struggles financially, I will continue to do what I do. I’m not going away.

2017/08/06 at 2:29 pm

Beth Taggart

Does the Denver Post still carry your column? I miss it.

Contact - 2017/08/05 at 6:27 am


                Marni - In reply to Beth Taggart.

Sorry to say, they have dropped it. The new editor installed one year ago, has been like Chainsaw Al on features. Meanwhile, my insiders tell me subscription is tanking. Sigh. I am sending you an email to let you know where else you can find my weekly column.

2017/08/08 at 6:08 pm

Barb S.

Sorry this doesn’t help you but that was the final nail in the coffin for the Denver Post and me. I’ve been missing you from the Post and hoped it was just a well deserved vacation. Then I found you online in other papers. Sad. You were such an inspiration to me, I clipped columns for reference. Just yesterday (honestly!) I pulled out the one on what to look for when buying sheets since last week I bought a new bed in a different size and urgently needed to restock. And, ironically, my annual subscription to the Post was due earlier this week and had decided not to renew. Sorry! Thanks for your great info over the years.

Home Column - 2017/08/05 at 5:50 am


                Marni - In reply to Barb S..

Hi Barb, Well, you have plenty of company. My readers are leaving the Denver Post like lemmings. I am not going anywhere, however. You can always find me on my blog or on the other papers that post my column. Bless you.

2017/08/06 at 2:30 pm



Marni, thank you for your wonderful columns and for telling us where to find you online! I am the odd duck that actually doesn’t give a fig about decorating and often can’t tell a “before” pic from an “after” without a caption. However, I’m a huge fan of your columns because of their heart and soul. It is the first thing I read on Saturday mornings. Your heartbreak and wisdom about tending to your parents’ home (and later, your mother) were spot-on for me (unfortunately, your columns came a few years after my experiences, so I had to figure things out on my own). I read your column to grow with you and cheer you on. I wish you lived next door to me! I will keep reading your columns online. Thank you!

Home Column - 2017/08/05 at 5:49 am


                Marni - In reply to Cindy.

Thank you, Cindy. We will continue to have our Saturday morning coffee together. Just not with the Denver Post anymore.

2017/08/06 at 2:33 pm


Hello Marni – I have been following your column in the SJ Mercury News and became intrigued with the Turkish rug dealers who come into your home to show and sell their rugs. I would like to get the names and contact information for the dealers represented in your columns. Can you please supply me this information or provide alternative suggestions?

Contact - 2017/08/01 at 8:51 am


                Marni - In reply to Patty.

Hi Patty, You bet. The fellow we met in Turkey who comes to the states now and then is Hakan Zor. His email is

He speaks excellent English. Let me know if you connect. Marni

2017/08/01 at 9:24 am


Carol Cook

I was afraid the Post had dropped you. I’m getting real close to dropping them. The columnists I like stop appearing AND their local and state reporting is not robust. I will write and tell them that, too. Marni, I will be visiting your website regularly as I really enjoy your column and advice…even if I rarely follow it being decorating challenged as I am.

Home Column - 2017/07/29 at 9:37 am


                Marni - In reply to Carol Cook.

Thank you, Carol. Let ’em have it! But we’ll stick together regardless.

2017/07/29 at 10:43 am


Susan Harned

So disappointed the Denver Post dropped your column.

Glad you will have blog and FB – who else can I rely on to back up my case for new wall color and lighting! Looking forward to catching up with you today!

Home Column - 2017/07/29 at 8:21 am


                Marni - In reply to Susan Harned.

Bless you!

2017/07/29 at 8:34 am

Audrey Weatherman

Feeling better now that I’ve read the numerous e- mails from other dismayed Denver area post subscribers. Time to cancel the overpriced subscription and follow you online Marni! Also purchasing your books and will thankfully continue the happy Saturday routine of coffee and Marni- you always make me smile:)

Home Column - 2017/07/29 at 8:06 am


Jean Lundy

I’m in Denver and sick about the fact that the Denver Post stopped publishing your column. I can’t believe that what I looked forward to every Saturday is now gone. Last Sat (the first day your column was missing), I sent a question by e-mail to a general mailbox asking what happened. No response. I’m glad to now have a name (Barbara Ellis) to complain directly to. I intend to do so as soon as I finish this comment to you!

Contact - 2017/07/29 at 6:57 am

Carol Proffitt

I am so sad to finally learn why your column has been missing from the Denver Post for the last few weeks! That is the final straw for me and I will not renew my subscription. And papers wonder why they are failing! They don’t listen or care about the readers! I agree with the previous comments regarding the entertainment and informational value of your columns and encourage you to keep writing! We will find a way to read and support you!

Home Column - 2017/07/29 at 6:53 am


                Marni - In reply to Carol Proffitt.

Join the club, Carol. Clearly the Post is tone deaf on this matter. Fortunately, I am still a mouse click away each week! Marni

2017/07/29 at 8:28 am


Lisa HammGreenawalt

Ditto to everyone else. It’s Saturday morning, I’m settling into coffee and breakfast on my patio, and where is your column? I, too, was hoping it was just vacation. I have seen so many features I enjoy disappear in the name of budget, but at this point I feel I am getting no value for my money anymore. I also have written letters to all the editors. I would be willing to pay to subscribe to a blog.


Home Column - 2017/07/22 at 6:01 am


                Marni - In reply to Lisa HammGreenawalt.

Thanks, Lisa, and the others of you who are writing in about the Post’s decision to cancel my column. Below is a letter I emailed yesterday to the more than 100 readers who emailed me letting them know where they can go to regularly find my column. So save these links, use them, and we can still have our morning coffee together. mj

Dear Denver Post Readers,

I want to sincerely thank all of you who wrote to the paper to complain about their decision to drop my column. I am very touched by your support. Believe me, no one is more disappointed than I am. Alas, despite your letters – and there were many — and emails from me, nothing has changed. So we move on. Because many of you expressed an interest in continuing to read my weekly column, I am sending here several ways you can do that. Here are links to a handful of papers that do a nice job of posting my column online and keeping an archive of past columns. Feel free to click on any one of the links below each week to see the latest installment. The same links should work every week, so save this email. (You will be able to see all the columns the Post has not run since June 17, when the paper stopped running the column.)

San Jose Mercury:

The Oklahoman:

Sarasota Herald- Tribune:

Orlando Sentinel:

Marin Independent Journal:

Salt Lake Tribune – Spaces Magazine

Another way to read my weekly missives is to visit my newly resurrected blog. I recently updated my long-neglected website, and started posting my column there. You’ll find a new entry on the home page each week. These blog posts will be the same as my columns, but will run three weeks behind the papers’ columns, so I don’t scoop my subscribers. They deserve first run. But you will find a new posting every Monday.

I do hope you will keep reading, and writing me when so moved. And I, too, will be in touch from time to time. If you do not want to receive any future emails from me, please let me know. You can also like my Facebook page, At Home With Marni Jameson, and keep up on other news there. Thank you, again, for letting me be a small part of your lives.

Live well, Marni

2017/07/22 at 10:49 am

Carol Walbye

I am disappointed that I have not seen your column in the Denver Post for a couple of weeks with no mention of why it’s missing! I cancelled my subscription today since your column was the only reason I subscribed. I really enjoy your column and purchased your Downsizing book since I will go through the same process with my childhood home in the near future. I will continue to read your column on your website. Thanks for the many years your advice and wisdom!

Home Column - 2017/07/22 at 5:54 am


Jo McGuire

i also started my Saturday mornings with coffee and your column. It is not the same. Sad the Denver Post does not realize it is creative columns such as yours, that create a loyal following, and make a paper special and unique. I miss it terribly! I wish you the very best, and will continue to follow you online.

Home Column - 2017/07/22 at 5:17 am

Cheri Gies

I’m glad I found the reason for your column missing in the Denver Post. I will definitely let them know how upset I am with their decision to drop your column. It was the highlight of my Sat. morning. I have read it since you lived in Denver. Cheri

Home Column - 2017/07/17 at 1:16 pm


Erin Gatlin

Just what I needed when I needed it! Thanks!


Pat Beckham

So sorry, and highly annoyed, that the Denver Post has dropped your column. Part of my Sat. morning routine for many years has been settling in with a cup of coffee to enjoy your column. Financial pressures or not, it seems short-sighted and counterproductive for the Post to make a modest savings at the cost of alienating subscribers. I shall not be renewing my subscription. All the best to you, and I’ll be keeping up with your column online.

Home Column - 2017/07/15 at 3:18 pm


Karyn M

Wow, I just sent an email to the Post asking for the return of your column. I so looked forward to your delightful and informative columns Saturday morning.

Home Column - 2017/07/15 at 9:11 am

Kathryn Hines

Finally managed to find time to ask The Denver Post what happened to your column! I was hoping it was just a vacation…It was the highlight of my Saturday morning routine, breakfast, coffee & Marni! Darn… 🙁

Home Column - 2017/07/13 at 8:11 am


Lisa D

Hi Marni

My husband and I are both so disappointed that the Denver Post has stopped carrying your column. I am sure we will join the others in reconsidering our renewal since they are really cutting back and much is duplication from other papers. But, I will send emails to those you list to try and persuade them to return you to the Saturday lineup. And thanks for the other source suggestions. I also like the blog idea (hint hint).

Home Column - 2017/07/11 at 4:22 pm


Judi Palin

HI Ms. J. Just read your column (Jul 9- Gently Used Furniture…) and wanted to know if the mirrored chest was intentionally meant to show the wooden bottom drawer? I couldn’t tell from the picture in the paper nor by looking on line at the photo. It appears to have the two bottom drawers missing the glass or at least most of the glass? Just curious- I’ve never seen anything like it before. Thanks for your time and attention to this minor question.

Contact - 2017/07/09 at 5:57 am


                Marni - In reply to Judi Palin.

Hi Judi,

What you’re seeing is a reflection in the mirrored drawers reflecting the tan sisal area rug below, and also the dark brown wood floor. It’s so tricky to photograph mirrored items, but the entire chest is mirrored, only the little feet on the bottom are wood. marni

2017/07/10 at 8:51 am


Erin Gatlin

Hi Marni

I am in Denver and after a couple of weeks out of town was looking forward to reading your column on Saturday. Your column is part of my Saturday morning routine, I read your column before I read the funnies. I’ve just learned the Post had decided to discontinue carrying your column. I have written to tell them this is a terrible idea. There is much to worry about and be sad about in the world. You Saturday column has been my preferred way to begin focusing on Saturday morning since we moved to Denver. I have been moved my your columns more than once, moved enough to consider writing you. Finally I am to let you know how much I enjoy your column and that I have written to the Denver Post to complain. I hope it works. Otherwise I will have to spend time on Saturday in front on my computer finding your column in some other forum. LOVE your column and the thought of being on the computer on a Saturday morning is still just awful.

Contact - 2017/07/08 at 8:02 pm


                Marni - In reply to Erin Gatlin.

Hi Erin, Welcome to the chorus of readers who feel like you. I am just as sad. Thank you for writing the paper on our behalf. I have made one more plea to the editor to reconsider.Please keep checking the website, as I have a plan b, though I’m sorry, it will mean having to face your computer on Saturday. Ugg. Hang with me. Marni

2017/07/09 at 5:08 am

Sandra Galey

I have been missing your column the last few weeks and decided to check out your website. Like so many others, your column was the main reason I was keeping my subscription to The Denver Post. Your articles are always enlightening, entertaining, and contain useful information. You will be missed.

Home Column - 2017/07/08 at 5:00 pm


Carmen Moreno


I love your column. That was my go to in the Denver Post.

Really bummed. Loved reading about you and D.C.

I have emailed the Post and expressed my disappointment. Will look for you in the San Jose Mercury!

Home Column - 2017/07/08 at 8:37 am


I am joining the others to express my disappointment in finding out the Denver Post decided to eliminate your column. I let them all know (yes, I emailed all the addresses you provided above) that my last subscription renewal was due to your column. They have gotten my last renewal. I already pay a comics website to get the comics I want (and that the Post also eliminated) and would be more than happy to pay to receive your column. Hang in there, and I’ll be checking your website in the future see if there are new ways to read your informative and entertaining columns.

Home Column - 2017/07/08 at 8:26 am


Nancy Landolfi

Marni, I have enjoyed a cup of coffee and your column on more Saturday mornings than I can count. I am sad to learn this news. After wondering where your column was for two weeks, I emailed the Post and received no reply. I am glad I finally thought to check here for news.I will add to the calls for your return. I hope all is well in the family.

Home Column - 2017/07/08 at 8:15 am


                Marni - In reply to Nancy Landolfi.

Thanks, Nancy!

2017/07/08 at 6:38 pm


Barbara Brown

Like so many others of your loyal readers, I, too, searched unsuccessfully for your column in the Denver Post.

I am so bummed to learn that the editors made the decision to cancel you. My Saturdays will not be the same without your humour, good decorating advice, and warm personal notes. I shall follow you on another site, and shall write our editors in hopes they will reconsider.

Home Column - 2017/07/08 at 7:08 am

Janice Shellhammer

Marni, I emailed the Features editor at the Post today and got the standard reply–before I searched for your website and found like-minded souls were way ahead of me. I agree with Peggy Morse that Saturdays won’t be the same at my house without your excellent journalistic style as demonstrated in your clever and informative column. I am very disappointed. I would like future columns to come straight to my Inbox, and I’d be willing to pay. Missing you already.

Home Column - 2017/07/07 at 1:39 pm


                Marni - In reply to Janice Shellhammer.

I am working on it, Janice. And thank you. Stay tuned!

2017/07/07 at 1:45 pm


Jocelyn Harrison

Hi Marni, You wrote an article in the Denver Post in 2012 about the nomadic life of a home staging manager. I’m in Boulder and need someone to live in and stage my home while it’s for sale. But a search on the internet and I couldn’t find anyone. Would you be so kind to tell me how I might connect with a home staging manager?

All the best, Jocelyn Harrison

Who’s She? - 2017/07/02 at 7:24 am


                Marni - In reply to Jocelyn Harrison.

Hi Jocelyn, I worked with a national franchise that provides this service, usually at not cost to homeowners. The company is called Showhomes. Look to see whether they have a franchise in your area. Good luck, Marni

2017/07/03 at 7:54 am


Nancy Anne Zizic

Absolutely love your postings in Denver Post every Saturday. Missed you the past couple of weeks (June 24/July 1, 2017)….where have you been. Did I miss something.

Who’s She? - 2017/07/01 at 8:24 am


                Marni - In reply to Nancy Anne Zizic.

Nancy, See answer to Carla. Please write the paper and ask them to reconsider. thanks, Marni

2017/07/01 at 2:49 pm


Carla Caldwell

Looked for your column in The Denver Post this morning and it wasn’t there. I start my Saturday mornings with your column every week. What happened?

Contact - 2017/07/01 at 5:00 am


                Marni - In reply to Carla Caldwell.

Hi Carla, The Post unceremoniously cancelled my column after 14 years. Below is an email I sent readers (whose addresses I had). The editors are hearing from them. I invite you to write the paper, as well, and suggest they reconsider. In addition to these names perhaps a letter to the editor, too. I’m getting flooded by letters. So I hope they are, too, and that they will reconsider.

Dear Reader,

You may notice something missing from your paper Saturday. Last Friday evening, I received an email from the features editor of the Denver Post saying that due to budgetary issues, the last column of mine they would carry would appear June 17. (Her email is below.) I’m sorry I did not get a chance to write a proper good-bye as this was an abrupt ending to a 14-year relationship.

If you are getting this email, you are among the many Denver Post readers who have reached out to me in recent years to express appreciation for my weekly home column. While I wish I had the email addresses of all those who might miss my Saturday morning missives, at least I can thank you for following along in my journey of life and living, and for your loyalty and letters. However much you might have learned from my columns, I have learned many, many times more from you.

Obviously, newspapers are facing difficult time and are struggling to survive. I have been able to weather much of the industry’s downsizing as I provide syndicated content to a couple dozen papers, who each pay a small subscription fee to carry my content. Most papers find that the arrangement is affordable, and that the content helps build loyal readers like you. But ultimately, the Denver Post editors changed their minds.

If – after this Saturday — you would like to write the editors and share your thoughts on their decision, I encourage you to do so. I have listed a few email addresses below that you might want to use if you are so inclined.

If you have friends who follow my column and who might want to continue seeing my column in the paper, please forward this invitation to them as well. Editors do listen to readers.


Due to budgetary issues, the Marni Jameson column that we publish on Saturday, June 17, will be the final piece purchased by The Denver Post.

We’ve greatly valued your contributions, as have our readers.

Thank you for allowing us to publish your work over the years, and best of luck to you in the future.

Barbara Ellis

Features Editor

The Denver Post

Editor: Lee Ann Colacioppi 303-954-1754 Managing Editor: Linda Shapley 303-954-1800 Features Editor Barbara Ellis

If we fail to be persuasive, and you would like to continue to read my weekly column, you can find my stories online through other outlets. Here are a few to try: Salt Lake Tribune, San Jose Mercury News, New Orleans Times-Picayune, and the Orlando Sentinel.

Whatever the outcome, please know how grateful I am to have been a small part of your lives.

Live well,

Marni Jameson

Peggy Morse

Marni, Saturdays won’t be the same at my house anymore now that the Post doesn’t carry your column! I wrote to them last Saturday when I couldn’t find your column, and I heard back from Barbara Ellis. I’ll send similar emails to the other three editors this week. Thank you for sharing all the info above and I’m disappointed to hear how abruptly you were treated. I will follow your column in another paper now. Your witty, helpful approach is always welcome in my home! I met you at Schlessman Library and hope to see you again on your book tour!

Home Column - 2017/06/27 at 7:40 pm


Barbara Russell

Your book, Downsizing The Family Home, has given me great insight. I am 52. I am totally looking at my own house and belongings in a totally different light. I am now downsizing for myself. This being said, my 27 year old daughter wants to buy her first house. I will tell her to write the buyers a letter. On the otherhand, my parents need to downsize and sell their 2 story house of 53 years, for health reasons. I now have a better way to approach how to help them let go of the extra stuff my siblings and I don’t want. So thank you from the bottom of my heart to help me through this transition. Barbara

Contact - 2017/06/27 at 6:06 pm


John A. Blaschke MD

Your column June 17 in the Oklahoman much enjoyed. At age 97 the idea of a “journal” seemed odd. So I have been writing love notes to my dear departed wife of 74 years every day since March 12. Currently 22000 words later I concur completely with your final sentence. “writing it all down helps.”

Contact - 2017/06/26 at 11:12 am


                Marni - In reply to John A. Blaschke MD.

SO touching. Bless you.

2017/06/26 at 12:19 pm



Thanks for the explanation. I was so disappointed not to find your column in today’s paper – went through that section 3 times looking for it. I will be reading your weekly article on the other websites – its just part of my Saturday. And I will write to the editor!

PS are you coming to Denver for your new book tour?

Home Column - 2017/06/24 at 3:10 pm


                Marni - In reply to Jule.

Thank you, Jule. And I hope so!

Home Column

2017/06/25 at 7:52 am



Thanks for posting about the Denver Post. I just wrote to all the editors listed. The Post is trying hard to annoy and alienate its readers.

I hope we can follow your weekly column through a nicer newspaper.

Home Column - 2017/06/24 at 2:32 pm


I’m so bummed by this news. I have a daily home delivery service which I’m canceling. The price keeps going up and my favorites keep being eliminated. First it was Penny Parker and now Marni. I have nothing to look forward to on Saturday mornings. I will really miss the informative and humorous style of your writing. I hope that by some miracle you will be back at the Denver post. Good luck to you in the future. I will miss, miss, miss you terribly.

Home Column - 2017/06/24 at 11:14 am

Joy Butler

Dear Marni,

So glad to find this explanation as to why you are not carried in the Denver Post. We are not getting the Post anymore as they have tripled their subscription rates in the last few years. Will look for your articles on other websites. So appreciate your work. Will be buying your books. Hope you will consider doing a blog.


Joy Butler

Home Column - 2017/06/24 at 11:05 am


Judith Bedford

Where is the Denver Post Jameson column for Saturday June 24, 2017?

Home Column - 2017/06/24 at 8:36 am


                Marni - In reply to Judith Bedford.

Dear Judy,

Sorry to say, the post has cut my column. Here’s a letter I’ve been sending to readers: Feel free to contact the paper. Editors names are at the bottom, but I have low hopes.

Readers: You may notice something missing from your paper Saturday. Last Friday evening, I received an email from the features editor of the Denver Post saying that due to budgetary issues, the last column of mine they would carry would appear June 17. (Her email is below.) I’m sorry I did not get a chance to write a proper good-bye as this was an abrupt ending to a 14-year relationship.

If you are getting this email, you are among the many Denver Post readers who have reached out to me in recent years to express appreciation for my weekly home column. While I wish I had the email addresses of all those who might miss my Saturday morning missives, at least I can thank you for following along in my journey of life and living, and for your loyalty and letters. However much you might have learned from my columns, I have learned many, many times more from you.

Obviously, newspapers are facing difficult time and are struggling to survive. I have been able to weather much of the industry’s downsizing as I provide syndicated content to a couple dozen papers, who each pay a small subscription fee to carry my content. Most papers find that the arrangement is affordable, and that the content helps build loyal readers like you. But ultimately, the Denver Post editors changed their minds.

If – after this Saturday — you would like to write the editors and share your thoughts on their decision, I encourage you to do so. I have listed a few email addresses below that you might want to use if you are so inclined.

If you have friends who follow my column and who might want to continue seeing my column in the paper, please forward this invitation to them as well. Editors do listen to readers.


Due to budgetary issues, the Marni Jameson column that we publish on Saturday, June 17, will be the final piece purchased by The Denver Post.

We’ve greatly valued your contributions, as have our readers.

Thank you for allowing us to publish your work over the years, and best of luck to you in the future.

Barbara Ellis

Features Editor

The Denver Post

Editor: Lee Ann Colacioppi 303-954-1754

Managing Editor: Linda Shapley 303-954-1800

Features Editor Barbara Ellis

Home editor: Jenn Fields at 303-954-1599

If we fail to be persuasive, and you would like to continue to read my weekly column, you can find my stories online through other outlets. Here are a few to try: Salt Lake Tribune, San Jose Mercury News, New Orleans Times-Picayune, and the Orlando Sentinel.

Whatever the outcome, please know how grateful I am to have been a small part of your lives.

Live well,


2017/06/24 at 9:05 am

Maria Radosta

I read your article in the InsideOut of the Times-Picayunne every week. I love your articles since they are so witty. I hope that you visit our area ( I live in Mandeville, LA, near NewOrleans) one day. Maybe you will be here for a book signing or something. I would love to meet you.

Who’s She? - 2017/06/12 at 3:47 am


                Marni - In reply to Maria Radosta.

I’d love to meet you in New Orleans. Maybe when my new Downsizing workbook comes out in January!

2017/06/12 at 10:27 am

Sharon Sims

We read your information on Grilling and you talked about Wood-pellet grilling. We have become interested in this type of grilling, and wondering if the exit-or cost for the equipment is worth it>

Who’s She? - 2017/05/26 at 10:33 am


                Marni - In reply to Sharon Sims.

We think so. My husband loves the wood-pellet grill.

2017/06/12 at 10:27 am



About cruises and Turkish rugs:

The prices in Istanbul are lower. To me they appear to be the same quality and origins.

On our cruise we were taken to the rug shop, the ceramic shop and the leather shop.

We had a nice lunch at a reasonable price at the rug shop, before we got the demonstrations and then onto the high pressure sales.

We also went to the ceramic place where they demonstrate how they make beautiful plates and vases. More high pressure sales.

Then we went to the leather shop, where they made us sit through a fashion show. We asked to leave mid way through it. We went to the upfront shop which had jackets and belts. Then there were the hidden doors that opened up to the knock off purses. They claim they make the bags for people like Prada and Gucci and they can sell them at a very discounted price because the bags don’t have the final label installed inside the purse that make it an official Prada or Gucci. According to them, it doesn’t matter that the purse has the Prada or Gucci logos on the outside, what matters is the official label inside the purse. Of course, if they said it, it must be true.

The next day we went to Istanbul and found all the same merchandise much cheaper. Some of the plates we found in Istanbul came from the same source as the ceramic shop we visited. The rugs we saw in the Bazaar appeared to be the same quality as what we saw in the rug shop. They were certainly as beautiful.

Note that in India, the prices on handmade rugs are even lower. The Turkish rug shops sneered at the quality of the Indian rugs when I mentioned that. The Indian designs are different, but I don’t know if the quality is any worse.

If you print this, could you just use my initials?

Deirdre Martel

We’ve just relocated to Savannah, GA from Denver. I hope to rely on your expert advice while decorating our new home. Which local or nearby city papers carry your column? If not Savannah, does an Atlanta, Jacksonville, or Columbia, SC paper carry it? Many thanks!

Archived Articles - 2017/05/18 at 5:58 am

Ella Church

I really enjoyed your columns about buying handmade rugs. When I was very young I spent up to 10 years going to every rug store in Seattle with my mother, “training our eyes,” as she also described it. 20 years later I bought my first Bokhara carpet, and 25 years later I still love it as much as ever. You’re right that if you love what you buy, you will not regret it.

Contact - 2017/05/13 at 10:07 am

Bob Glockler

Rugs. An investment in memories, not $. We have a rug (7 1/2 X 10) in our great room. Made in Syria? Turkey? I grew up in Beirut and remember playing games on that rug as a boy 75 years ago. Yes, it (and I) is a bit worn, some repair that shows. But still carries lifelong family memories and interesting conversation with guests.

We enjoy your column — thanks.

Home Column - 2017/05/13 at 6:00 am

karen risher

I’ve just discovered Marni. I have things of my parents in the garage now for 20 years.

She has inspired me to let go!!!!

Author Appearances - 2017/05/06 at 6:18 pm






Who’s She? - 2017/04/29 at 9:26 am


                Marni - In reply to ELMER BRADLEY.

Love you, too, Uncle Elmer XOXOXO

2017/06/12 at 10:28 am


Lynn Prevatt

I was so touched by your article “How to Say Goodbye to a House.” Several times when I’m outside I feel the urge to put my arms around the brick and give it a big hug. Almost 50 years ago I brought my new-born son home to the same room I’m sleeping in now. It’s not a mansion, but is perfect. Will be a sad day when I have to leave it but I cut out your article to keep for that time..

Thank you!

Contact - 2017/03/25 at 8:17 am


Margaret Maher-Williams

Congratulations on your new family member, Pippin. Could he be any cutier! My only suggestion to “Make him a social animal” would be that he meets maybe not 100 new dogs or cats(in addition to people) in his first 12 weeks but quite a few. There are several breeds that really need to be aminal socialized to be buddy’s for a life time. Enjoy your new best friend!

Archived Articles - 2017/03/24 at 10:27 am


sarah jossart

I enjoyed the article about “parting” with a home. When we left our first home it was our 5 year old son that needed time to adjust. We made many trips by the house to check if it was “Happy!”. On the first trip I was very curious what he would find to assure him the house was happy. He saw an open window and that was enough for him to know the house was happy. On other trips by the house he saw toys, open garage, man mowing the lawn,flowers etc. No matter how many times we went by (the home was near his babysitter) he found something to assure him the house was happy.

Contact - 2017/03/18 at 3:12 am


Hi Marnie: Just read you column in the paper today for the first time. What an appropriate article for me to read. I have recently relocated to Florida after living in Indiana all my life and in doing so had to sell the home I loved and that I raised our family in. I do wish I had taken something small with me but I did say a prayer before I left and said a prayer when we moved into our new home. I still miss the old home but a new adventure awaits.

Contact - 2017/03/17 at 5:58 am

Lori Ladd

Dear Marni, Last spring you wrote an article about updating kitchen and bath hardware. I’ve looked in vain for the hammered brass drawer pulls in the accompanying picture. Please tell me the brand of the draw pull and where to locate it in the Sarasota, FL. area. Thank you.

Home Column - 2017/03/02 at 2:00 pm


Claire Gravier

Your Feb. 12 article on redecorating. You mentioned replacing bulky upholstered sofas with straight-lined. These are not as comfortable as the bulky sofas. My furniture has to be comfortable. You recommend stools and benches for the kitchen. Another uncomfortable idea. My kitchen furniture purchased in Pleasant Hill at a dining room store has upholstered chairs on wheels. My small TV sits on the table. I can watch TV comfortable in my chair during meals.

Contact - 2017/02/15 at 7:33 pm

Elaine Johnson

I too read your article every Saturday in the Marin Independent Journal. Usually I learn something, and sometimes I disagree with you. Your piece on monogramming, for example, made me laugh and remember the period I went through with my mother and sister when we monogrammed a lot of things, then got over it. Your remark in last Saturday’s column (1/27) where you said you didn’t believe in buying stuff to store your stuff also made me laugh. I’m a knitter, and if I didn’t have a good supply of plastic storage boxes for my yarn collection (stash), I would go mad, never know what I have, and end up buying yarn because I couldn’t find the same thing in my stash. Balls of yarn would fall on my head when I opened the closet door if I didn’t have the yarn neatly stored and carefully labelled in their boxes.

Keep up the good work!

Who’s She? - 2017/01/30 at 1:45 pm


Sorry to be so slow to reply. Here you go:

Home Column - 2017/01/16 at 8:24 am


Roni Gunderson

I enjoy your column and look forward to reading it every Sunday. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and talent in a light-hearted fashion!

Home Column - 2017/01/15 at 9:09 pm

Boots Rule

Hey Marnie: Just read your end-of-year column. What stays w/me is Dec: “Kondoing:”

I need a lot of help, so I intend to get the book. As an ex: three yrs ago,I put about 10 suits (skirts and jackets), in my basement closet. I will NEVER wear them again, but I don’t want to give to Goodwill, more like Dress for Success. My point is about ‘giving joy.’ “Things” don’t give me joy. People and music do. So, getting rid of ‘things’ has nothing to do with: Does it “give me joy?” Happy New Year and Congrats on your marriage…

2017/01/15 at 2:43 pm


I love reading your column! I always look forward to our Saturday Denver Post. You incorporate wisdom and comedy. Today I laughed myself silly readING about your description of a colonoscopy. Please don’t stop writing!

Home Column - 2017/01/07 at 6:39 pm

Cathy Lester

LOVE LOVE LOVE your weekly columns in the paper. It is always informative and fun reading your take on living in a home. I’d like to request an story on making a house work with dogs. I am always looking for ways to cope with the hair (upholstery ideas please) – bought a Roomba and love it- nose prints (oh please) and general tips. I am not a neophyte at this. I’ve been showing dogs, training dogs, working in commercials with dogs, grooming dogs….basically steeped in them for over 40 years. There must be new products, ideas, and help that I have overlooked. THANKS

2017/01/07 at 3:56 pm

Connie Lockhart

I missed the 2nd half of your article on what you learned in 2016…where can I find it? I live in Salt Lake City and it’s in the Saturday Spaces section of the Salt Lake Tribute but I didn’t get it on 12/31

2017/01/07 at 12:14 pm


                Marni - In reply to Connie Lockhart.

Here you go:

FYI You can always find lost columns online by googling my name and the column topic.

2017/01/16 at 8:26 am


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